Search Results
Flechette Rounds Spas 12 Rifle Scope - Battlefield 3
Gun Guide - SPAS-12 Shotgun (Battlefield 3 Gameplay/Commentary/Tips)
BF3: "Spas 12 w/ Flechette The Best Way To Use the Spas12" (Battlefield 3 Gameplay)
Battlefield 3-SPAS-12 w/ Slugs & How to be Good with it
Battlefield 3: Speed Spas-12 Flechette
Battlefield 3: USAS Trolling - Flechette Rounds
Battlefield 3: "Spas12 w/ Slugs, Were My Predictions Right?" (BF3 Spas 12 Slugs Gameplay)
BF3 - SPAS-12: Flechette, Reflex & Extended Mag - Grand Bazaar - Conquest
BF3 Spas 12 Shotgun -- Better than the 870?
Shotgun and Ammo Comparison Video 870 MCS Spas 12 and M26
Battlefield 3 | "Your Choice" Spas-12, Frag Rounds & IRNV Scope EP 1 (Gameplay / Commentary)
BF3 Tell Me What Ep.2 - 870 MCS, Slug Rounds, Infrared Scope - actually quite good :D